Our videos' success is dependent on people like you, and organizations like yours. All of SAWBO's animations can be downloaded for free from our website and used directly for educational purposes only. You can reproduce them and distribute them to as many people as you would like.
If you are a TV station or you create materials for TV and you wish to use parts of SAWBO animations for the creation of education programs, please e-mail SAWBO at
We are happy to grant you the use of our materials on TV, at no charge, based on reasonable requests.
We highly appreciate it if you tell us about how you are using SAWBO's animations and, if you are interested, we can mention your work on our social media channels. Please e-mail us at to tell us your story, and also, feel free to send us pictures and videos (if you would like us to show these pictures and videos on our social media channels, please also attach a scanned and signed copy of this
talent release form).