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About Desert Locusts
About Desert Locusts
Benefits of multi-nutrient block licks for livestock
Benefits of multi-nutrient block licks for livestock
Best Practices for Lentil Row Planting
Best Practices for Lentil Row Planting
Biocontrol of Legume Pod Borer (<i>Maruca vitrata</i>)
Biocontrol of Legume Pod Borer (Maruca vitrata)
Cassava as a crop for food security
Cassava as a crop for food security
Climate-smart Push-pull System for Stem Borer Management in Maize
Climate-smart Push-pull System for Stem Borer Management in Maize
Climate-smart Push-pull System for Stem Borer Management in Maize IITA
Climate-smart Push-pull System for Stem Borer Management in Maize IITA
Conservation agriculture for hoe farmers: Keeping crop residues in the field
Conservation agriculture for hoe farmers: Keeping crop residues in the field
Cooking With Soy!
Cooking With Soy!
Crop Insurance for Farmers
Crop Insurance for Farmers
Deep Tillage and Smarter Manure and Fertilizer Use: Dig Deep, Save Money, and Harvest More
Deep Tillage and Smarter Manure and Fertilizer Use: Dig Deep, Save Money, and Harvest More
Deep Tillage and Smarter Manure Use: Dig Deep, Save Money and Harvest More
Deep Tillage and Smarter Manure Use: Dig Deep, Save Money and Harvest More
Disease Management in Lentils for Nepal
Disease Management in Lentils for Nepal
Double S: Harvesting and Storing Your Sweet Potato Crop IITA
Double S: Harvesting and Storing Your Sweet Potato Crop IITA
Double S: Harvesting and Storing Your Sweetpotato Crop
Double S: Harvesting and Storing Your Sweetpotato Crop
East Coast Fever vaccination for your cattle
East Coast Fever vaccination for your cattle
Groundnut: Good Agricultural Practices for Production
Groundnut: Good Agricultural Practices for Production
Groundnut: Good Agricultural Practices from Harvest to Storage
Groundnut: Good Agricultural Practices from Harvest to Storage
Groundnut: Preventing Aflatoxin
Groundnut: Preventing Aflatoxin
Harvesting your Lentil Crop
Harvesting your Lentil Crop
How Multi-Stakeholder Platforms Work to Support the Nepal Lentil Sector
How Multi-Stakeholder Platforms Work to Support the Nepal Lentil Sector
How Multi-Stakeholder Platforms Work to Support the Nepal Lentil Sector (Female character)
How Multi-Stakeholder Platforms Work to Support the Nepal Lentil Sector (Female character)
How to Control Fall Armyworm Using Fawligen
How to Control Fall Armyworm Using Fawligen
How to identify and control Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV)
How to identify and control Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV)
How to Identify and Scout for Fall Armyworm
How to Identify and Scout for Fall Armyworm
How to Identify and Scout for Fall Armyworm: Variant for Nepal
How to Identify and Scout for Fall Armyworm: Variant for Nepal
How to Identify and Scout for Fall Armyworm: Variant for South Sudan
How to Identify and Scout for Fall Armyworm: Variant for South Sudan
How to manage your rice field using GIFS technology
How to manage your rice field using GIFS technology
How to manage your rice field using SRI technology
How to manage your rice field using SRI technology
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
How to Rear Black Soldier Flies as Feed for Your Fish and Animals
How to Rear Black Soldier Flies as Feed for Your Fish and Animals
How to Remove the Poison from Cassava Flour
How to Remove the Poison from Cassava Flour
How to Use Genetic Biocontrol to Manage Insect Pests
How to Use Genetic Biocontrol to Manage Insect Pests
Implementing Mbili-Mbili Strip Intercropping
Implementing Mbili-Mbili Strip Intercropping
Importance of Adopting New Lentil Varieties
Importance of Adopting New Lentil Varieties
Improved Bean Production
Improved Bean Production
Improved Bean Production IITA
Improved Bean Production IITA
Improved Bean Production: Variant for Mozambique
Improved Bean Production: Variant for Mozambique
Improved Bean Production: Variant for Uganda
Improved Bean Production: Variant for Uganda
Invest in your soil, above and below the surface.
Invest in your soil, above and below the surface.
Lentil-Rice Relay Cropping Best Practices for Higher Yield and Profits
Lentil-Rice Relay Cropping Best Practices for Higher Yield and Profits
Make Money Storing Grain with Diatomaceous Earth
Make Money Storing Grain with Diatomaceous Earth
Natural Insecticide from Neem Seeds
Natural Insecticide from Neem Seeds
Natural Insecticide from Neem Seeds (With Female and Male Characters)
Natural Insecticide from Neem Seeds (With Female and Male Characters)
Natural Insecticide from Neem Seeds IITA
Natural Insecticide from Neem Seeds IITA
Neem Tea Bag
Neem Tea Bag
PHL Moisture Meter
PHL Moisture Meter
Postharvest Loss Prevention: Dry, Inspect, Clean and Examine (D.I.C.E.)
Postharvest Loss Prevention: Dry, Inspect, Clean and Examine (D.I.C.E.)
Postharvest Loss Prevention: Mycotoxins in Crops
Postharvest Loss Prevention: Mycotoxins in Crops
Postharvest Loss: Bag Stacking
Postharvest Loss: Bag Stacking
Postharvest Loss: Bag Transportation
Postharvest Loss: Bag Transportation
Postharvest Loss: Bulk Transportation
Postharvest Loss: Bulk Transportation
Postharvest Loss: Hermetic Sealing of Lentil seeds with Locally available Jerrycans
Postharvest Loss: Hermetic Sealing of Lentil seeds with Locally available Jerrycans
Postharvest Loss: Hermetic Sealing with Locally Available Containers
Postharvest Loss: Hermetic Sealing with Locally Available Containers
Postharvest Loss: How to Build a Solar Grain Dryer
Postharvest Loss: How to Build a Solar Grain Dryer
Postharvest Loss: How to Use a Solar Grain Dryer
Postharvest Loss: How to Use a Solar Grain Dryer
Postharvest Loss: Jerrycan Bean Storage
Postharvest Loss: Jerrycan Bean Storage
Postharvest Loss: Jerrycan Bean Storage (FTF)
Postharvest Loss: Jerrycan Bean Storage (FTF)
Postharvest Loss: Jerrycan Bean Storage IITA
Postharvest Loss: Jerrycan Bean Storage IITA
Postharvest Loss: Paddy Drying Using a BAU-STR Dryer
Postharvest Loss: Paddy Drying Using a BAU-STR Dryer
Postharvest Loss: Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels 2D
Postharvest Loss: Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels 2D
Postharvest Loss: Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels 3D
Postharvest Loss: Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels 3D
Postharvest Loss: Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels IITA
Postharvest Loss: Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels IITA
Postharvest Loss: Storage
Postharvest Loss: Storage
Preparing Banana and Plantain Suckers for Planting to Reduce Pests and Increase Yield and Stem Trapping to Control Weevils
Preparing Banana and Plantain Suckers for Planting to Reduce Pests and Increase Yield and Stem Trapping to Control Weevils
Preparing Banana and Plantain Suckers for Planting to Reduce Pests and Increase Yield and Stem Trapping to Control Weevils IITA
Preparing Banana and Plantain Suckers for Planting to Reduce Pests and Increase Yield and Stem Trapping to Control Weevils IITA
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Agricultural Value Chain
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Agricultural Value Chain
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Agricultural Value Chain CTA
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Agricultural Value Chain CTA
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Supply and Demand
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Supply and Demand
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Supply and Demand CTA
Prevention of Postharvest Loss: Supply and Demand CTA
Properly Storing Dried Grains and Legumes Including Lentils Using Hermetically Sealed Bags
Properly Storing Dried Grains and Legumes Including Lentils Using Hermetically Sealed Bags
Properly Storing Dried Grains and Legumes Using Hermetically Sealed Bags
Properly Storing Dried Grains and Legumes Using Hermetically Sealed Bags
Properly Storing Dried Grains and Legumes Using Hermetically Sealed Bags (Bangladesh Version)
Properly Storing Dried Grains and Legumes Using Hermetically Sealed Bags (Bangladesh Version)
Rotating your crops with legumes
Rotating your crops with legumes
Row Planting of Teff
Row Planting of Teff
Solar Treating of Cowpea Seeds
Solar Treating of Cowpea Seeds
Storing Fruits and Vegetables Using a Clay Potcooler to Reduce Spoilage and Prevent Post-Harvest Loss
Storing Fruits and Vegetables Using a Clay Potcooler to Reduce Spoilage and Prevent Post-Harvest Loss
Storing Fruits and Vegetables Using a Clay Potcooler to Reduce Spoilage and Prevent Post-Harvest Loss (Variant 1)
Storing Fruits and Vegetables Using a Clay Potcooler to Reduce Spoilage and Prevent Post-Harvest Loss (Variant 1)
Survival Gardening: Drip Irrigation
Survival Gardening: Drip Irrigation
Survival Gardening: Drip Irrigation HHI
Survival Gardening: Drip Irrigation HHI
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (2D)
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (2D)
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (2D) HHI
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (2D) HHI
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D)
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D)
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D) HHI
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D) HHI
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D) IITA
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D) IITA
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D) Variant 1
Survival Gardening: How to Create Compost (3D) Variant 1
Survival Gardening: Raised Planting Beds
Survival Gardening: Raised Planting Beds
Survival Gardening: Raised Planting Beds HHI
Survival Gardening: Raised Planting Beds HHI
Sweet Potato Roots for Timely Planting Material: The Triple S Method on How to Prepare and Store Roots
The Triple S Method on How to Prepare and Store Roots
Sweet Potato Roots for Timely Planting Material: The Triple S Method on How to Prepare and Store Roots (COVID Disclaimer)
The Triple S Method on How to Prepare and Store Roots (COVID Disclaimer)
Sweetpotato Roots for Timely Planting Material: How to Prepare and Plant a Root Bed and Crop Using Roots Stored through Triple S Method
Sweetpotato Roots for Timely Planting Material: How to Prepare and Plant a Root Bed and Crop Using Roots Stored through Triple S Method
Tef (Teff) Transplanting Technology
Tef (Teff) Transplanting Technology
Tree Pruning
Tree Pruning
Using Native Shrubs to Increase Soil Health and Crop Yield
Using Native Shrubs to Increase Soil Health and Crop Yield
Using Native Shrubs to Increase Soil Health and Crop Yield IITA
Using Native Shrubs to Increase Soil Health and Crop Yield IITA
Water management – Equipment for your farm
Water management – Equipment for your farm
Water management – irrigation scheduling
Water management – irrigation scheduling
Water management – maintaining your irrigation equipment
Water management – maintaining your irrigation equipment
Weed Management in Lentils for Nepal
Weed Management in Lentils for Nepal
When to plant your crops in basins for the best yields
When to plant your crops in basins for the best yields