SAWBO Video Library Lite

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Women's Empowerment

Best Practices for Traditional Cheese Processing
Improved Method of Shea Butter Processing
Microfinance 1: Starting a Savings Group
Microfinance 1: Starting a Savings Group – Nepal Lentil
Microfinance 1: Starting a Savings Group (World Renew Version)
Microfinance 2: Election of a Management Committee
Microfinance 2: Election of a Management Committee - Nepal Lentil Farmers
Microfinance 2: Election of a Management Committee (World Renew Version)
Microfinance 3: Fines for Missing a Meeting and Missing a Payment
Microfinance 3: Fines for Missing a Meeting and Missing a Payment (World Renew Version)
Microfinance 3: Fines for Missing a Meeting and Missing a Payment– Nepal
Microfinance 4: Example of a Meeting
Microfinance 4: Example of a Nepal Lentil Savings Meeting
Microfinance 4: How to Hold a Meeting (World Renew Version)
Microfinance 5: Taking a Loan
Microfinance 5: Taking a Loan (World Renew Version)
Microfinance 5: Taking A Loan in a Nepal Lentil Farmers Savings Group
Microfinance 6: How to Hold a Meeting
Microfinance 6: How to Hold a Nepal Lentil Farmers Savings Group Meeting
Quality Shea Nuts - Best Practices for Production

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